Pálfája Environmental Educational Centre and Nature Trail
Nature’s treasures belong to all of us, so we can only preserve them together. It is the reason why an important part of our programme is to introduce the sand steppe woods – a unique habitat throughout Europe - to both adults and children living in Nagykőrös and in other places.
- Following the renovation of the boarding camp located in Pálfája wood, the outdoor educational centre is open to children from the autumn of 2008.
The educational centre is run by KÖ-VA KOM Non-profit Zrt.
Information: http://www.kovart.hu/erdeiiskola.php
Takács Erzsébet
+36 30 663 4657
- The open study trail starts from the education centre. It guides the tourists interested in the habitat of sand steppe woods through the Pálfája wood, while presenting natural values and the nature conservation programme.
Download the guiding brochure of the nature trail here: http://www.pusztaitolgyesek.hu/index.php?page=downloads
